The Entire History of Punk é um Box Set com 20 volumes lançado em 2001 pela Dressed to Kill Records (pretendo postar os 20 albuns, e aqui neste post, estão os 10 primeiros discos, num post matador), o disco leva em conta não apenas o punk rock, mas boa parte do que tem sua influencia, alem das bandas classicas da decada de 70 como Damned, Johnny Thunders, Ruts, 999, Alternative TV, Chelsea, conta também com bandas de Mod Revival e Psychobilly em alguns de seus volumes (a partir do 11, aparecendo com muita força no 20). A versatilidade é o que realmente torna a coletanea muito boa, alem do punk77, estão presentes entre outras coisas, bandas de Oi! music, Street Punk, Punk80's, Hardcore Punk, etc. Além de estar recheado de classicos, traz bandas que tiveram uma menor expressão, mas nem por isso são piores, pelo contrario, traz bandas fantasticas pouco conhecidas pelo publico, que não cabem aqui, só baixando e ouvindo mesmo. Divvirtam-se, aqui tem material suficiente pra isso.
V.A. - The Entire History of Punk Box Set
Part 1 - (01 to 10)
Dressed to Kill Records
Disc: 1
1. Holiday in Cambodia - Dead Kennedys
2. Black Sheep - Vice Squad
3. I Hate People - The Anti-Nowhere League
4. Homicide - 999
5. Chinese Rocks [Live] - Johnny Thunders,
6. Four Minute Warning - Chaos UK
7. Bad Boy - The Adicts
8. GLC - Menace
9. How Much Longer? - Atv
10. Listen - Stiff Little Fingers
11. Alternative - The Exploited
12. Babylons Burning - Ruts
13. White Light, White Heat - Slaughter & the Dogs,
14. Disco Man - The Damned
15. Another Dead - Anti-Pasti
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Disc: 2
1. Catch - G.B.H.
2. Evacuate - Chelsea
3. Jet Boy, Jet Girl - Chron Gen
4. Joker in the Pack - The Adicts
5. Thinking of the USA - Eater
6. Bone Idol - Drones
7. No Faith - Suburban Studs
8. Kill the Poor - Dead Kennedys
9. Hurry up Harry - Sham 69
10. Chinese Takeaway - The Adicts
11. Help! - The Damned
12. All My Friends Are Dead - Patrick Fitzgerald
13. I Live in a Car - U.K. Subs
14. Tough Shit Wilson - Splodge
15. Teenage Depression - Eddie & the Hot Rods,
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Disc: 3
1. New Guitar in Town - Lurkers
2. Peaches - The Stranglers
3. No Time to Be 21 - The Adverts
4. Misadventure - Chron Gen
5. New Rose - The Damned
6. Cut Your Head Off - Electric Sex Circus
7. Mess - Newtown Neurotics
8. Machine Gun Kelly - Angelic Upstarts
9. Cum on Feel the Noize - One Way System
10. Baby Baby - The Vibrators
11. Upstart - Angelic Upstarts
12. Bullshit Crass - Special Duties
13. Flares and Slippers - Cockney Rejects
14. Tommy
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Disc: 4
1. Fight the Cuts - The Mekons
2. Unionize - Redskins
3. It Says Here - Billy Bragg
4. Don't Dictate - Penetration
5. Old Tart - Poison Girls
6. Death of the European - Three Johns
7. Spirit of the Falklands - New Model Army
8. Paved With Gold - Joolz
9. Chemical Warfare - Dead Kennedys
10. Irrelevant Battles - Patrik Fitzgerald
11. No Respect - Newtown Neurotics
12. Selfish Few - Chaos UK
13. Fuck Religion, Fuck Politics, Fuck the Lot of You - Chaotic Dischord
14. Hitler's in the Charts Again - The Exploited
15. Bye Bye England - 999
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Disc: 5
1. Submission - The Sex Pistols
2. Soldier Soldier - Spizzenergi
3. (I'm in Love With) Margaret Thatcher - Not Sensibles
4. Government Stinks - Violators
5. If the Kids Are United - Sham 69
6. Glad to Be Gay '94 - Tom Robinson
7. Between the Wars - Billy Bragg
8. Fascist Regime - U.K. Subs
9. Streets of London - The Anti-Nowhere League
10. Alternative Ulster [Live] - Stiff Little Fingers
11. Solidarity/Sing a Tune - Angelic Upstarts, Upstarts
12. Persons Unknown - Poison Girls
13. Fruit Flies - Three Johns
14. Living With Unemployment - Newtown Neurotics
15. No Government - Anti-Pasti
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Disc: 6
1. Class War - The Exploited
2. Protest and Survive - Varukers
3. Politicians and Ministers - The Threats
4. Fuck the Tories - Riot Squad
5. How Sad - The Adicts
6. Rowche Rumble - The Fall
7. America - The Au Pairs
8. Fiasco - Chron Gen
9. Cop Cars - The Boys
10. Peasant in the Big Shitty - The Stranglers
11. Reds Strike the Blues - Redskins
12. Do You Believe in the Westworld - Theatre of Hate
13. Stand Strong Stand Proud [Live] - Vice Squad
14. Vengeance - New Model Army
15. In a Rut - Ruts
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Disc: 7
1. Mania - Strike
2. Five Minute Fashion - Infa-Riot
3. Suburban Rebels [Live] - The Business
4. Two Pints of Lager - Splodgenessabounds
5. Police Car - Cockney Rejects
6. Blind Ambition - The Partisans
7. Time Bomb - Blitz
8. Rapist - Combat 84
9. Runnin' Riot [Live] - Cock Sparrer
10. Clockwork Skinhead - The 4-Skins
11. Violence in Our Minds - The Last Resort
12. Give a Dog a Bone - Sham 69
13. Riot Riot - Infa-Riot
14. Borstal Breakout - Accident
15. Get Out of My 'Ouse - The Business
16. Two Little Boys - Splodgenessabounds
17. Such Fun - Blood
18. Motorhead - Cockney Rejects
19. Daily News [Live] - The Exploited
20. 4q - Blitz
21. Poseur - Combat 84
22. Run for Cover - Cock Sparrer
23. Plastic Gangsters - The 4-Skins
24. Leave Me Alone - Angelic Upstarts
25. Held Hostage - The Last Resort
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Disc: 8
1. Joys of Oi! - Gonads
2. Last Years Youth - Menace
3. Blitzkreig Bop - Accident
4. Naplam Job
5. Tell Us the Truth - Sham 69
6. Wiffy Woman - Splodgenessabounds
7. Change - The Partisans
8. Outlaw - The Business
9. Living Next Door to Alice - Chron Gen
10. Youth - Blitz
11. F82123 - Combat 84
12. Never Return to Hell - Angelic Upstarts
13. Teenage Heart - Cock Sparrer
14. Come Clean - The Partisans
15. Product [Live] - The Business
16. Smiling My Life Away - Case
17. Street Rock 'N' Roll [Live] - Section-5
18. Gonads Theme - Gonads
19. Emergency - Infa-Riot
20. Delirious - Splodgenessabounds
21. When Will They Learn - Angelic Upstarts
22. Garageland - Accident
23. Escape - Blitz
24. Dead Generation - Cockney Rejects
25. Gestapo Khazi - Blood
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Special Thanx to zxunami
Disc: 9
1. On Yer Bike
2. You Kept Me Waiting - Crack
3. I Won't Pay for Liberty - Angelic Upstarts
4. Soldier - Criminal Class
5. Cockney Kids Are Innocent [Live] - Sham 69
6. School's Out - Infa-Riot
7. Eat the Rich - Gonads
8. Time Was Right - The Partisans
9. Chasing Rainbows - The Business
10. Transvestite [Live] - Peter & the Test Tube Babies,
11. Computers Don't Blunder - The Exploited
12. Summer Holiday [Live] - The 4-Skins
13. Stark Raving Normal - Blood
14. Twist and Turn - Slaughter & the Dogs,
15. Brighton Bomb - Angelic Upstarts
16. Disco Girls - The Business
17. Oh! - Case
18. Every Saturday [Live] - Section-5
19. Eight Pounds a Week - The Last Resort
20. I'm on Heat - Lurkers
21. Jinx [Live] - Peter & the Test Tube Babies,
22. Cum on Feel the Noize - Crack
23. It Will Only Ever Be - Cockney Rejects
24. Dick Barton
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Special Thanx to zxunami
Disc: 10
1. Land of Hope and Glory
2. Splitting in Two - Atv
3. Woman in Disguise - Angelic Upstarts
4. Finger Up Bum - Chaos UK
5. Fuck Your Nationality - Disorder
6. G.L.O.R.I.A. - Eddie & the Hot Rods,
7. Born to Lose - Johnny Thunders
8. Self Destruct - U.K. Subs
9. Judy Says (Knock You in the Head) - The Vibrators
10. Fuck It Up - The Adicts
11. Expensive Being Poor - TV Smith
12. Smash It Up - Captain Sensible
13. Goat Fuckin' Virgin Killerz from Hell - Chaotic Dischord,
password: drunksongs.blogspot.com
Thank you very much! This is an awesome compilation!
there is a problom with badongo links disc:8 & disc:9, could you please fix it..
thank you for great uploads.
disc 08 and 09 please
i need the latest madball cd, please!!!
amazing!!!! thnx!!!!
There's no problem with the links 8 and 9. I've tested.
The Problem: linls 8 and 9 are not from this box set.
link 8 - Santana
link 9 - AFN
The Problem: linls 8 and 9 are not from this box set.
link 8 - Santana
link 9 - AFN
badongo filho da puta
Holy Shit!
Links 8 e 9 estão Ok.
O conteudo é que tá zoado,
como disse o Gui1977 acima.
De qualquer maneira, temos muito material para curtir até lá.
Post matador !
É, ele logo logo vai consertar os links 8 e 9, junto do resto da compilação
Don't worry. Soon, the link 8 and 9will be fixed, together with the rest of the compilation
Thanks, too bad disc 8 & 9 doesn't download complete file.
que blog ruim, varios posts tao com problema. vê se dá uma olhada nisso, gerencia
Thanks for the great upload? Please fix disc 8 and 9 because santana isn't my thing.
I find it kind of funny that bloggers go to the effort of writing about and uploading these albums whilst all most ask for in return is for people to write a few comments. So what happens?
Everyone leeches the albums and say nothing, but there is a link that is not working and everyone is writing comments to complain. Just look on this page and this post has the most comments because two links aren't working even though this post is only two days old. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Caro amigo anônimo que escreveu q nosso blog é ruim:
Se vc começou a frequentar agora, não deve ter percebido que o blog tem quase 1 anos e mais de 400 posts.
Provavelmente você sabe que os servidores apagam os arquivos depois de um determinado tempo. Recentemente tivemos um grande problema. O servidor que a gente costumava postar simplesmente apagou metade dos nossos arquivos.
Todos nós do blog temos trabalhos e atividades na vida real. Não temos tempo de ficar reparando todos os posts apagados. Ainda sim tentamos fazer o melhor, e sempre postar novidades.
Se vc acha ruim, vai montar seu próprio blog e para de reclamar. Damos duro por isso, e eis a razão dos nosso quase meio milhão de visitas.
Drunksongs staff.
Thnx Drunksongs staff for ALL your music !!!! you are amazing.
muito obrigado pelo post... será que alguém sabe onde encontrar o livreto scanneado deste box????
estou procurando... se encontrar eu também posto o link aqui..
find in other place.
f ! f !
disc 8
no salen los otros links... si no sale este no insisto. gracias drunksongs.
disc 9
esos son los 2 que estaban mal.saludos
Cheers Big Ears... Merry Xmas
ahahuahe falar que o blog é ruim.. é muita sacanagem... Drunk Songs é um dos melhores blogs do gênero por aí...
muito foda essa coletanea.. eu baixei a 2°parte agora vou baixar essa 1°...
ótimo post... vou upar tudo isso e postr no meu blog tbm :X
quem quiser da uma olhada lá ó
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