Un saludo, hermanos. Un poco demorado para poner el final de la telenovela, he estado algo ocupado. Pero me reivindico incluyendo los últimos dos volumenes de esta serie en un sólo archivo. En vista de los problemas que tenía el servidor habitual, los he colgado en Badongo. No hay mucho que agregar a los volumenes anteriores. Todos los temas son clásicos, todas son bandas excelentes. Sólo queda servir un trago, alzar la copa y ... salud!
vol 5
01. FRANKIE & THE FLAMES - On Yer Bike
02. THE CRACK - You Kept Me Waiting
03. ANGELIC UPSTARTS - I Won't Pay For Liberty
04. CRIMINAL CLASS - Soldier
05. SHAM 69 - The Cockney Kids Are Innocent
06. INFA RIOT - School's Out
07. SLAUGHTER & THE DOGS - Where Have All The Bootboy's Gone?
08. THE GONADS - Eat The Rich
09. THE PARTISANS - The Time Was Right
10. THE BUSINESS - Chasing Rainbow
11. ONE WAY SYSTEM - Stab The Judge
12. PETER & THE TEST TUBE BABIES - Transvestite
13. THE EXPLOITED - Computers Don't Blunder
14. THE 4-SKINS Summer Holiday
vol 6
01. The Blood-Stark Raving Normal
02. Slaughter & The Dogs-Twist And Turn
03. Angelic Upstarts-Brighton Bomb
04. The Business-Disco Girls
05. Case-Oh
06. Section 5-Every Saturday
07. The Last Resort-Eight Pounds A Week
08. The Lurkers-I'm On Heat
09. The Partisans-17 Years
10. Peter & The Test Tube Babies-The Jinx
11. The Crack-Cum On Feel The Noise
12. The Exploited-Class War
13. Cockney Rejects-It Will Only Ever Be
14. Blitz-Bleed
Thanx for the good stuff.
This takes me back to my youth listening to bands like Exploited, Blitz, P&TTTB etc whilst jumping (dancing) around my bedroom.
Thanks for this.
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